(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)

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, drd ell ty wh wk.

“ter ru.

“d d ed bel h he wer hd.

“y ould er d, “why dy hr”

“y d,” .”

r. “ y r the k.”

dr ths r.”

“no,” e.”

. rever every detail ad.

s s, y’d oey red trry errus.

ele , . ery, y eve.

tred t teps.

“i’ll g ,” polloe under .

“er. “i feed as .

er tnorus.”

“e, w”

br you lovegke a”

“—” ed fory.”

“d, d rry re your e.”

weee r t

e rexed. “r .

after a feked dd to revet iddled s.

“look t er de er’.


sh , .

t srd.

ike fd sud hh piee w”


“tf, “turrry oy ,” d .”


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